Aminet 19
Aminet 19 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1997].iso
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391 lines
Q-GalaxyNet Command Guide
Note: <arguments> are mandatory.
[arguments] are optional.
<nick> = nickname on IRC.
<handle> = registered nickname in Q's database.
Level 0 - help, version, register, ident, pass, access,
whoami, email, auth, unregister
Level 50 - invite
Level 100 - opme
Level 150 - op, deop
Level 200 - bans, unban, ban, kick, kickban
Level 250 - clearbans, clearmode
Level 300 - pbans, unpban, pban
Level 350 - clearops
Level 400 - add, remove, chlv, list, check, aop
Level 450 - join, leave, set
Level 500 - forget
Type /MSG Q HELP <command> to get more detailed information.
Command: VERSION Level: 000
Command Lines
[Level] [Command................................................]
======= =========================================================
*0 HELP [topic]
0 REGISTER <password>
0 IDENT <password>
0 ACCESS <channel>
0 WHOAMI [password]
100 OPME <channel>
*200 BAN <channel> <nick/hostmask>
*200 UNBAN <channel> <nick/hostmask>
*200 KICK <channel> <nick> <reason>
*200 KICKBAN <channel> <nick> <reason>
*300 ADDBAN <channel> <nick/hostmask> <reason>
*300 RMBAN <channel> <nick/hostmask>
*300 BANS <channel>
400 ADD <channel> <handle> <level>
400 REMOVE <channel> <handle>
*400 CHLV <channel> <handle> <level>
400 LIST <channel>
400 CHECK <channel> <handle>
400 AOP <channel> <handle> <ON/OFF>
450 JOIN <channel>
450 LEAVE <channel>
*450 SET <channel> <setting> [value]
*500 FORGET <channel> <password>
* = Commands that haven't been added yet.
Using GalaxyNet Q-commands
Shows version and release information
Command: REGISTER Level: 000
Syntax: /MSG Q REGISTER <password>
This command will create a user record for you on Q. You
need a user record if you want to be able to use Q's
channel commands. Your current nickname will be
registered as your handle, which people will need so they
can add you to channel userlists. Your handle will
automatically be registered on NickServ as well.
<password> is the (max. 9 characters) password you'll
need for certain commands and to identify yourself when
you are on from an unrecognized user@host address.
If you want to register a channel, get the registration
form from GalaxyBot (/msg GalaxyBot help). NOTE: Your
handle will be unregistered if you don't interact with
Q for over 30 days!
Command: IDENT Level: 000
Syntax: /MSG Q IDENT <password>
IDENT will let you identify yourself to Q when you're
logged in from an unrecognized user@host address. You
will have to change your nick to your registered handle
before you use the IDENT command. <password> is the
password you registered with. Upon positive
identification Q will add a mask of your current address
to your user record.
Command: PASS Level: 000
Syntax: /MSG Q PASS <old password> <new password>
Lets you change your registered password.
Command: ACCESS Level: 000
Syntax: /MSG Q ACCESS <channel>
This will show you the access level you have on <channel>
Command: WHOAMI Level: 000
Syntax: /MSG Q WHOAMI [password]
WHOAMI will show you what your registered handle is
and what hostmasks are stored in your user record.
<password> is the password you have on Q. If you
omit the <password> argument Q will just tell you your
registered handle.
Command: EMAIL Level: 000
Syntax: /MSG Q EMAIL [address]
Sets your email address to <address>. If you omit the
<address> argument Q will tell you what your email field
in your user record is currently set to.
Command: AUTH Level: 000
Syntax: /MSG Q@services.galaxynet.org AUTH <password>
You will need to issue an AUTH comand to authenticate
yourself for channels that require authentication before
you'll have access to Q's commands. <password> is the
:password you registered your user record with. You will
only need to do this once per session. If you logoff
from irc and stay offline for a while, or log back on
with a different address you'll need to AUTH again. The
'@services.galaxynet.org' part must be included. This
has been done for security reasons so noone else can
steal your password.
Command: UNREGISTER Level: 000
Syntax: /MSG Q UNREGISTER <password>
This command will remove your user record from Q,
unregister your nickname with NickServ, and delete your
access to any channels you are registered on. Once you
unregister there is no way to get this back, unless you
start all over again.
Command: INVITE Level: 50
Syntax: /MSG Q INVITE <channel>
<channel>. Useful for when the channel is set to
invite-only mode. This command won't work if Q
Command: OPME Level: 100
Syntax: /MSG Q OPME <channel>
This will give you channel operator status on <channel>
Command: OP Level: 150
Syntax: /MSG Q OP <channel> <nick>
Gives channel operator status to <nick> on <channel>.
Command: DEOP Level: 150
Syntax: /MSG Q DEOP <channel> <nick>
Removes <nick>'s channel operator status on <channel>.
Command: BANS Level: 200
Syntax: /MSG Q BANS <channel>
Lists all bans active on a specific channel.
No help available on that topic.
Command: UNBAN Level: 200
Syntax: /MSG Q UNBAN <channel> <number/nick/mask>
Removes an active ban from <channel>. You can either
specify the ban's number as it appears in the BANS
command, the nickname of the user matching the ban (must
be on IRC) or the exact mask.
Command: BAN Level: 200
Syntax: /MSG Q BAN <channel> <nick/hostmask>
Adds a ban to <channel>. If you specify a nickname
instead of a mask, Q will create its own mask.
Command: KICK Level: 200
Syntax: /MSG Q KICK <channel> <nick> <reason>
Kicks the user <nick> off of <channel>.
Command: KICKBAN Level: 200
Syntax: /MSG Q KICKBAN <channel> <nick> <reason>
Kicks and bans <nick> from <channel>. <reason> is
mandatory. (You can't kick someone off for no reason)
Command: CLEARBANS Level: 250
Syntax: /MSG Q CLEARBANS <channel>
Removes all active bans from <channel>.
Command: CLEARMODE Level: 250
Syntax: /MSG Q CLEARMODE <channel>
Clears the current channel mode for <channel>.
Command: PBANS Level: 200
Syntax: /MSG Q PBANS <channel>
Lists all permanent bans set for <channel>.
Command: UNPBAN Level: 300
Syntax: /MSG Q UNPBAN <channel> <number/nick/hostmask>
Removes a permanent ban from <channel>. You can either
specify the ban number as it shows up in PBANS, the
nickname of someone currently on IRC, or the exact
Command: PBAN Level: 300
Syntax: /MSG Q PBAN <channel> <nick/hostmask> <reason>
Adds a permanent ban to <channel>. If you specify a
nickname instead of a hostmask Q will create its own
hostmask. The <reason> argument is mandatory. Users
that match permanent bans will get banned and kicked
as soon as they join the channel. However, this will
only work when Q is on the channel.
Command: CLEAROPS Level: 350
Syntax: /MSG Q CLEAROPS <channel>
Deops all current chanops on <channel>, except for the
user that issued the command.
Command: ADD Level: 400
Syntax: /MSG Q ADD <channel> <handle> <level>
This will add <handle> to <channel>'s userlist. <handle>
is a registered handle on Q, NOT someone's nickname on
IRC (although in most cases they are the same). Users
that have forgotten their handle can get Q to tell them
by typing /MSG Q WHOAMI. <level> may not be lower than
50 or higher than 500.
Command: REMOVE Level: 400
Syntax: /MSG Q REMOVE <channel> <handle>
This will remove <handle> from <channel>'s userlist.
<handle> is the handle a user is registered with on Q,
not the actual nickname. To get a list of users with
access to <channel> use the LIST command (/MSG Q
Command: CHLV Level: 400
Syntax: /MSG Q CHLV <channel> <handle> <level>
Changes <handle>'s level on <channel>. You can only
change the level of a user with access lower than your
own. You can't change someone's level to one equal to
or higher than your own access level.
Command: LIST Level: 400
Syntax: /MSG Q LIST <channel>
Lists the userlist for <channel>.
Command: CHECK Level: 400
Syntax: /MSG Q CHECK <channel> <handle>
CHECK will show <handle>'s access level for <channel>,
his auto-op status and all hostmasks registered for that
Command: AOP Level: 400
Syntax: /MSG Q AOP <channel> <handle> <ON/OFF>
This will turn on/off <handle>'s Auto-Op flag on a
specific channel. Users with Auto-Op turned on will
be oped by Q when they join the channel.
Command: JOIN Level: 450
This will make Q join <channel> and give itself channel
operator status.
Command: LEAVE Level: 450
Syntax: /MSG Q LEAVE <channel>
This will make Q leave <channel>.
Command: SET Level: 450
Syntax: /MSG Q SET <channel> <setting> [value]
Changes a channel setting, or displays its current value
if the [value] argument is omitted. Available settings
NoOp <ON/OFF> - If this is set to ON, Q won't op
anyone on the channel. (default: OFF)
AutoJoin <ON/OFF> - If this is set to ON, Q will automatically
join the channel when it
comes online. (default: ON)
DefMode <mode> - Sets the default channelmode Q will
set when it autojoins. (default: +tn)
Auth <ON/OFF> - This toggles the need for user
authentication. Read the help on AUTH
for more info. (default: OFF)
Command: FORGET Level: 500
Syntax: /MSG Q FORGET <channel> <password>
Unregisters a channel you have channel owner access on.
Be careful with this command. Once you ask Q to forget
a channel there is no way back, unless you re-register it.